Date: July 1, 2018
From: Gang Alternatives Program (GAP)
Public & Governmental Affairs
309 W. Opp Street
Wilmington, CA 90744
Contact: Dimmery Davis
Tel: (310) 519-7233
Gang Alternatives Program (GAP)
Kaiser Permanente South Bay Awards GAP $10,000.00 for Gangfree Life Program
Wilmington, Calif. (July 1, 2018) – GAP is thrilled to announce Kaiser Permanente South Bay has awarded the Gang Alternatives Program $10,000.00 for My Gangfree Life® to go towards supporting our vision to prevent young people from joining gangs. Through partnerships with community organizations Kaiser strives to benefit the community by addressing issues and concerns that affect overall community health. Kaiser Permanente South Bay has been a loyal supporter of the Gang Alternatives Program for over 15 years. Through Kaiser’s dedication to improving the health of people living and working in the community and GAP’s loyal pursuit of preventing youth from the ill effects of gang life, we strive as a team to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve.
GAP provides a multi-service of programs adopting the “Social Ecological Model” which is based on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) four-level framework for designing prevention strategies. The Gang Alternatives Program has championed the advancement of over 6,000 children and 25,000 families per year in Los Angeles County by providing them with “best practice” approaches to violence prevention and reducing crime by changing the individual, the family, the community and the cultural influences to eliminate the base of gamg membership by having a generation of young people say “no” to gangs and “yes” to positive lifestyle choices.