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Your gift to the Gang Alternatives Program will help young people choose to live The Gangfree Life® and to develop their potentials as contributing citizens and leaders of tomorrow.
Your contribution will fund gang awareness and education programs, youth advocacy and family services. These help children and teens grow into active and engaged members of their communities and choose positive alternatives to a life full of gangs and violence.
Please join us in helping our youth stay Gangfree.
Donations can be made:
Online – by using the secure checkout link below:
By Mail – Write a check or money order made out to “G.A.P.” or “Gang Alternatives Program” and mail it to:
Gang Alternatives Program
11705 Deputy Yamamoto Pl, B. Lynwood 90262
For more information about contributions, email us at or call (888) 293-9323.
You can also designate GAP as your recipient in your company’s charitable contribution program or specify it in your United Way pledge.
The Harbor Area Gang Alternatives Program, dba the Gang Alternatives Program (GAP) is a
501(c) (3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.